In private markets we are in a unique position to leverage the network and experience of our partners and families. We encourage our clients to participate in this process, sharing and expanding our network and insights to create further synergies in a virtuous cycle. From direct private equity stakes in venture, through to growth equities, physical real estate deals, pre-IPO deals, private equity funds and club deals.
Below presents just some of the companies and deals our clients have invested in.
Private Equity vs Public Equity
Private Equity has outperformed Public Equity since 2007. These excess returns are compensation for the illiquid nature of this asset class. This is why we opt for a balanced approach across deal category and liquidity, and work with our clients to find the optimal balance based on their needs.
Chart Key: Private Equity is the Cambridge Associates US PE Index. Public Equity is the S&P 500 Total Return Index.
If you are interested in finding out more about how we work with families or relationship managers please get in touch to speak to one of our executives.
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